Secure Seismic was one of four contractors from whom we received bids to do a seismic upgrade on our 1948 bungalow. We liked the owner’s no-nonsense approach from the start. Daryl responded quickly to our questions but unlike others did not attempt to sell add-ons. We did hire an independent structural engineer to assess the house, and he noticed some other issues that we took back to Secure Seismic for an additional estimate. Even with the additional work, the total cost was well under the closest competitor. We were also pleased to see Secure Seismic has an excellent record on the Oregon Construction Contractors’ Board website. Our project was completed on time as scheduled by helpful office staff and a cheerful and tidy crew, and after a minor glitch with our city software the required seismic upgrade permitting process went through seamlessly. We are well pleased with Secure Seismic’s work for us and are glad to recommend the company.